Broken Ankle Surgery

If you read my previous post you would know I broke my foot. Well I was misdiagnosed that my food was fine I wouldn’t need surgery. Good thing I got a second opinion because it was not fine. I need surgery and it’s already 3 weeks since I broke my foot. So a week before my schedule surgery I had to do a CT scan and pre surgical prep. Like most people I want to know what to expect from an ankle surgery. So I did a lot of readings and my main concern was the after pain. Which was something I haven’t saw anyone wrote about.

April 15 I had my ankle surgery

I woke up from anesthesia around 5PM and was in so much pain. Unbearable pain however I was still under anesthesia so when I was somewhat awake I felt the pain. At 6PM I was out of ten Hospital. I was in the backseat of my dad Jeep since my foot had to be elevated. I remember I was I felt so nauseous I throw up on the ride home and I fell asleep after. I’m not sure how I made it inside our apartment. I know I slept for few. My dad made me soup. And I slept. I was in top of my pills however it didn’t really help with the pain. I was told it will help the pain a little not stop all the pain.

The first 48 hour was terrible after the block wear off. I can’t explain the pain I was in. I felt as if I would pass out.

By day 4 I start feeling a little better I mean I was in pain however it was a different type of pain compare to first 48 hours.

By second weak the pain is between 1-4 it’s bearable compare to the pain I went through the past week. My only complain is my foot feeling weird I can’t explain the weird feeling.

Anyways I have a follow up appointment on Thursday and hoping to hear good news.

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